Local Congress Organising Committee

Bjarne O. Braastad, Professor

I am professor in ethology at Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Since 1979, I have worked with research and teaching in animal behaviour and animal welfare of a number of farmed species like chickens, silver foxes, dairy cows, goats, sheep and salmon, as well as cats. During the last 18 years I have also worked on animal-assisted interventions with farm animals for humans, and for a few years I coordinated a European COST Action on Green care in Agriculture. Since 2011 I have been head of research education in our department and later in Faculty of Biosciences. I was head of the organising committee of ISAE’1999 in Lillehammer, Norway.


Knut E. Bøe, Professor

I am a professor at the Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. My research focus on how the thermal and physical environment influence the behaviour and welfare of farm animals. I have been a member of the ISAE for 30 years and I think my first ISAE congress was in Skara in 1988. I have served as Regional Nordic secretary and I have chaired Nordic Regional ISAE meetings. In the ISAE congress in Lillehammer in 1999 I chaired the scientific committee.


Inger Lise Andersen, Professor

I am professor of ethology at the Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Since 1994 I have been working with behaviour of farm animals, and my main topics in ethology have been maternal behaviour, social behaviour and social dynamics (effects of animal density and group size) in group housing systems. As my interest areas are broad, I have worked with many species, but I have done most research on pigs and goats. At present, my focus is on pig and horse behaviour and welfare, in relation to animal environment. In pigs, my focus has been maternal behaviour, farrowing environment and management in relation to piglet survival. In most of my research projects I have a close collaboration with stakeholders. At present, I am the head of the research group Ethology and Farm Animal Environment in our department at NMBU and I am also the leader of the National Animal Ethics Committee since three years ago. My recent research interests are behavioural indicators of positive emotions and environmental enrichment in farm animals and behaviour of farmed fish.


Ruth C. Newberry, Professor

I am a Professor of Ethology in the Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. From origins in Ghana, I survived long-distance prenatal emigration to hatch into the shocking cold of a Canadian winter. My postnatal development took place with shoulder-perching hens and fence-jumping cows and horses on a farm near Ottawa. As a zoology student at the University of Edinburgh, I was drawn into the study of animal behaviour by the inspirational lectures of Professor Aubrey Manning, and pre-internet life in the library lapping up Jane Goodall’s ‘In the Shadow of Man’. A persuasive David Wood-Gush steered me away from following in the shadow of Jane to the far more practical study of who grunts after whom in the Edinburgh Pig Park. Riding on David’s fowl fame, I landed a position in Agassiz, British Columbia, where I pretended to know something about chickens (and eventually did). In 1996, I canoed south to Palouse country, home of cowboys, Washington State University Cougars and captive grizzly bears. Having finally habituated to Stetson hats in the classroom, the northern lights beckoned once more. Consequently, since 2013, I have been tickled by pickled fish and the sight of Nordic skiers swooshing past my window. (Source: Animals and Us: 50 Years and More of Applied Ethology).


Randi Oppermann Moe, Professor

I am a veterinarian and professor of Animal Welfare at the department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. My research in animal welfare currently focus on health, behaviour, emotions, production and welfare in broiler chickens, turkey and sheep. I am recognized as European veterinary specialist in animal welfare science, ethics and law (Dip ECAWBM AWSEL), and I am an appointed member of the Norwegian Board of Animal Ethics. I lead the Animal Welfare Research Group (animalwelfarenorway.com), and I have been member of the ISAE for more than 25 years.

